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About this site

Information about this site's features, optimization and more i


This site offers a plethora of features

  • Dark Mode: The last item in the navigation menu lets you enable/disable a dark mode feature, to accomodate any visual challenges (Permanent disability or Temporary impairment), bright environment (Situational challenge) or just your personal preference.
  • Validations: This site was created with best practices in mind and every page passes the validation checks for HTML, CSS and Accessibility (WCAG 2.0). You can go to the validations section of the footer, and click on each picture to be redirected to the respective validation page.
  • Responsive Design: This site if fully responsive, using the Bootstrap framework and custom CSS (Media Queries, Flexbox, etc.).
  • Animations: This site offers a number of animation and visualization features, making use of custom CSS & JavaScript, to manipulate SVGs, mouse hovers, click events & more.
  • Authentication: I have created a custom Sign In/Out functionality, ensuring security by using salted hashes.
  • Bugs: If you happen to stumble upon a bug, please report it to me.


Performance Boost

This site has been optimized from it's initial versions using insights from various Lighthouse performance services , like PageSpeed Insights, Google Chrome developer console Lighthouse & GTmetrix. Feel free to check the screenshots below to visualize the impact of optimized structure. i



This site takes consideration of accessibility

  • Settings: This site offers a custom made accessibility feature, which can be accessed by clicking the icon widget in the bottom right corner (or the ALT+A shortcut). It allows users to customize their preferences, regarding contrast, text size, spacing & height, and more.
  • Accessibility Standards: This site follows accessibility standards and best practices (WCAG 2.0) , making use of ARIA attributes , alternative text, color contrasts, & more.

Credits & attributions

I would like to thank & give credit where it's due, for providing quality education & media files

  • Coursera, for offering scholarships for excellent courses, using the financial aid method.
  • Manypixels, for providing well designed illustrations.
  • Pixabay, for providing awesome images & illustrations.
  • Pexels, for providing a wide variety of images.
  • Undraw, for providing elegant illustrations.
  • Fontawesome, for providing an extensive icon library.